General Dentistry

Serving Fort Worth, Arlington, Keller and surrounding areas of Texas.


Yoga and your smile

Yoga and your smiles

Ever sit through a yoga class and just feel the effects it has on your overall body, how it tones your muscles, clears your mind, strengthens your bones and immune system over time? With its many beneficial factors on the overall body, it shouldn’t be to anyone’s surprise that yoga improves your oral health as well.

First Adult Dental Visit

First Adult Dental VisitThere are many comedies with funny scenes that take place in a dental office and commercials that show a white coat professional sitting next to a person with their mouth open. We all have a picture in mind of what our dental visit will be like. Some scary, others pleasant, and nice. A dental visit can be a comfortable and smooth process if all or most of our expectations are communicated with the dental team.

Do I need to take antibiotics before my dental appointment?

Do I need to take antibiotics before my dental appointment?In the past, people who had a history of joint replacement and a number of other systemic conditions were given antibiotics. But with the rise of antibiotic resistance, health care providers and researchers have had the opportunity to take a closer look at the potential benefits and risks of taking antibiotics before a routine dental visit.

When can my kid get braces?

When can my kid get braces?Early orthodontics, phase I orthodontics and/or braces can help preteens correct minor crossbites or dental crowding early. Children start getting their first permanent teeth around the age of 6. And parents start noticing smile changes. Usually, there is a natural space between the two upper front teeth as they move into the arch.

Oral Yeast Infection

An oral condition commonly known as thrush, is Oral Candidiasis. Oral Candidiasis is a mouth infection that is caused by a fungus called Candida Albicans. Normally, the body maintains a good balance of bacteria and immunity that helps to prevent Candidiasis, or thrush. However, when the body’s immune system is affected, or naturally occurring bacteria have been destroyed through the intake of antibiotics, a yeast infection can develop.
